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Table 11. Causes of secondary hypertension with clinical indications and diagnostic screening tests.

Prevalence (HTN) Prevalence (Resistant HTN) Clinical Indications Physical examination Screening tests Additional/confirmatory tests
Common causes
 Primary aldosteronism 8-20% 17-23% Resistant hypertension; hypertension with hypokalemia (spontaneous or diuretic induced); hypertension and muscle cramps or weakness; hypertension and incidentally discovered adrenal mass; hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea; hypertension and family history of early-onset hypertension or stroke. Arrhythmias (with hypokalemia); especially atrial fibrillation. Plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC); plasma renin activity (PRA); plasma aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR). Oral sodium loading test, IV saline infusion test, or captopril suppression test; adrenal CT or MRI scan, adrenal vein sampling; adrenal scintigraphy.
 Renal parenchymal disease 1-2% 2-10% Urinary tract infections; obstruction, hematuria; urinary frequency and nocturia; analgesic abuse; family history of polycystic kidney disease; elevated serum creatinine; abnormal urinalysis. Abdominal mass (polycystic kidney disease); skin pallor. Serum creatinine, renal ultrasound, urinalysis. Specific tests to evaluate the cause of renal disease (toxins, biopsy).
 Renal artery stenosis/renovascular disease 5-34% 2.5-20% Resistant hypertension; hypertension of abrupt onset or worsening or increasingly difficult to control; flash pulmonary edema (atherosclerotic); early-onset hypertension, especially in women (fibromuscular hyperplasia). Abdominal systolic or diastolic bruit; bruits over other arteries (carotid or femoral artery atherosclerotic stenosis, or fibromuscular dysplasia). Renal duplex, or CT, or MRI/MRA. Renal angiography.
 Obstructive sleep apnea 25-50% > 30% Resistant hypertension; snoring; unrefreshing sleep; breathing pauses during sleep; daytime sleepiness. Obesity, Mallampati class III-IV; loss of normal nocturnal BP fall. Berlin Questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Score, overnight oximetry. Polysomnography.
 Drug or alcohol induced 2-4% NA Sodium-containing antacids; caffeine; nicotine (smoking); alcohol; NSAIDs; oral contraceptives; cyclosporine or tacrolimus; sympathomimetics (decongestants, anorectics); cocaine, amphetamines and other illicit drugs; neuropsychiatric agents; erythropoiesis-stimulating agents; clonidine withdrawal; herbal agents (Ma Huang, ephedra). Fine tremor, tachycardia, sweating (cocaine, ephedrine, MAO inhibitors); acute abdominal pain (cocaine). Urinary/hair drug screen (illicit drugs). Response to withdrawal of suspected agent.
Uncommon causes
 Pheochromocytoma 0.1-0.6% < 1% Resistant hypertension; paroxysmal hypertension or crisis superimposed on sustained hypertension; “spells,” BP lability, headache, sweating, palpitations, pallor; positive family history of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma; adrenal incidentaloma. Skin stigmata of neurofibromatosis (café-au-lait spots; neurofibromas); orthostatic hypotension. 24-h urinary fractionated metanephrines or plasma metanephrines. CT or MRI scan of the abdomen/pelvis.
 Cushing’s syndrome < 0.1% < 1% Rapid weight gain, especially with central distribution; proximal muscle weakness; depression; hyperglycemia. Central obesity, “moon” face, dorsal and supraclavicular fat pads, wide (1-cm) violaceous striae, hirsutism. Overnight 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test/24-h urinary free cortisol excretion/midnight salivary cortisol. Low dose dexamethasone suppression test.
 Hypothyroidism < 1% 1-3% Dry skin; cold intolerance; constipation; hoarseness; weight gain. Delayed ankle reflex; periorbital puffiness; coarse skin; cold skin; slow movement; goiter. Thyroid stimulating hormone; free thyroxine. None.
 Hyperthyroidism < 1% Warm, moist skin; heat intolerance; nervousness; tremulousness; insomnia; weight loss; diarrhea; proximal muscle weakness. Lid lag; fine tremor of the outstretched hands; warm, moist skin. Thyroid stimulating hormone; free thyroxine. Radioactive iodine uptake and scan.
 Aortic coarctation 0.001 < 1% Young patients with hypertension (< 30 years of age). BP higher in the upper extremities than in the lower extremities; absent femoral pulses; continuous murmur over the back, chest, or abdominal bruit; left thoracotomy scar (postoperative). Echocardiogram. Thoracic and abdominal CT angiogram or MRA.
 Primary hyperparathyroidism Rare Rare Hypercalcemia. Usually none. Serum calcium. Serum parathyroid hormone.

Modified from Whelton PK, et al.162 and Rimoldi SF, et al.163.

BP, blood pressure; CT, computed tomography; HTN, hypertension; IV, intravenous; MAO, monoamine oxidase; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.