EAAT1 in Müller cells does not influence neurotransmission at RB→AII synapses. A, The EPSCs recorded in AII amacrine cells, which were evoked by activating ChR2+ RBs with 470-nm LED light stimulation, were not affected by 50 μm UCPH101, a selective blocker of EAAT1 expressed exclusively in Müller cells. Vhold = −80 mV. R, rod; RB, rod bipolar cell; ChR2, channelrhodopsin-2. B, C, UCPH101 did not change the peak amplitude or time to peak of ChR2-evoked EPSCs (n = 8). D–G, UCPH101 did not influence the frequency, amplitude, rise time, or tau of mEPSCs recorded in AIIs (n = 8). mEPSCs, miniature EPSCs. The data were represented as mean ± SEM. Wilcoxon signed-rank test or Student’s t test was used where appropriate. ns, not significantly different. See also Table 6.