Appendix 1 |
Medical restraint flowsheet |
I. Patient’s details |
Name: Age: Gender: Male/female/others Hosp. No. |
II. Clinician’s order |
Name: Dr. Date: Time: |
a. Doctor’s Orders (orders must be renewed every 12–24 h based on the practice) |
1. |
2. |
3. |
b. Initial Order |
Start: Date/time |
End: Date/time |
c. Repeat order |
Start: Date/time |
End: Date/time |
III. Alternatives attempted before initiation of medical restraints (check all that apply) |
□Re-orient patient to time/date/place/person and/or situation |
□Move patient closer to the nurses’ station |
□Conceal lines/tubes/devices |
□Minimize stimulation |
□Reevaluate need for lines and tubes |
□Appropriate diversional activities |
□Repositioning |
□Pain and sedation intervention |
□Other |
IV. Indication for using medical restraints |
□Pulling lines |
□Pulling tubes |
□Removal of equipment |
□Removal of dressing |
□Inability to respond to direct requests or follow instructions |
□Other |
V. Type and details of medical restraints applied (Tick all that applies) |
Wrists: Both/right only/left only |
Legs: Both//right only/left only |
Gloves/mittens: Both//right only/Left only |
Waist Belt: Yes/No |
Side railings: Yes/No |
VI. Psycho-education of the patient |
a. Informed the patient about the need and alternatives for medical restraints. Yes/No |
b. Periodically patient has explained the behavior required to discontinue the restraint until an understanding was evidenced. Yes/No |
Nurse’s name and sign Date and time |
Doctor’s name and sign Date and time |