Table 4.
Comparison of complex motor task performance
Test: subtest | ASD group (n = 12) |
Typical group (n = 12) |
F | p-value | Partial Eta squared | ||
SS | SD | SS | SD | ||||
BOT-2: Manual dexterity | 8.730 | 3.636 | 14.830 | 4.345 | 13.222 | 0.002* | 0.386 |
BOT-2: Upper limb coordination | 8.910 | 2.737 | 15.920 | 4.660 | 18.859 | 0.000* | 0.473 |
BOT-2: Bilateral coordination | 10.180 | 2.523 | 15.250 | 4.827 | 9.687 | 0.005* | 0.315 |
BOT-2: Speed/agility | 11.180 | 3.763 | 16.330 | 4.010 | 11.039 | 0.003* | 0.345 |
BOT-2: Strength |
8.640 |
1.690 |
16.730 |
4.599 |
27.335 |
0.000* |
0.566 |
Test: subtest (task) |
Std score |
SD |
Std score |
SD |
p-value |
Partial Eta squared |
MABC-2: Manual dexterity | 5.000 | 2.730 | 7.508 | 2.429 | 5.996 | 0.023* | 0.214 |
MABC-2: MD1 | 6.583** | 2.644 | 9.250** | 2.667 | 6.046 | 0.022* | 0.216 |
MABC-2: MD2 | 6.000** | 3.384 | 8.917** | 2.746 | 5.375 | 0.030* | 0.196 |
MABC-2: MD3 | 3.750** | 3.571 | 5.667** | 3.846 | 1.601 | 0.219 | 0.068 |
MABC-2: Aiming & catching | 6.250 | 2.734 | 8.750 | 3.571 | 3.708 | 0.067 | 0.144 |
Mabc-2: Ac1 | 7.000** | 2.174 | 10.083** | 3.147 | 7.799 | 0.011* | 0.262 |
MABC-2: AC2 | 6.583** | 3.118 | 6.583** | 2.610 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
Note: ASD = Autism spectrum disorders; TD = typical development; SS = mean scaled score, Std Score = mean standard score, SD = standard deviation, SEM = standard error of the mean; BOT-2 = Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd edition; MABC-2 = Movement Assessment Battery for Children, 2nd edition; MD1 = pegboard item; MD2 = assembly item; MD3 = tracing item; AC1= catching; AC2 = throwing.
significant at < 0.05;
Scaled score.