Figure 3.
A single, vaporized administration of CBD-dominant cannabis may yield a THC-positive urine drug screen. (A) Urine Δ9-THCCOOH concentrations (ng/mL; y-axis) are plotted (mean ± SEM) by time (post drug-administration; x-axis) for the vaporized CBD-dominant cannabis condition. (B) Urine Δ9-THCCOOH concentrations (ng/mL; y-axis) are plotted by time (post-drug-administration; x-axis) for each participant in the vaporized CBD-dominant cannabis condition. Bolded lines and symbols are used to depicted the 3/18 participants who exhibited >15 ng/mL urine Δ9-THCCOOH (dashed lined), which is the common LC–MS-MS confirmatory cutoff suggested by the Mandatory Guidelines for federal workplace drug testing. The remaining 15/18 participants are indicated by faint, solid lines.