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. 1999 Apr;65(4):1662–1669. doi: 10.1128/aem.65.4.1662-1669.1999


Numbers of RsaI-BstUI RFLP phylotypes in 16S rDNA clone libraries and culture collections from four soil environments

Parameter Clone libraries
Culture collections
Clones Isolates Total
C0 C1 S0 S1 iC0 iC1 iS0 iS1
Total no. of patterns 154 (196)a 161 (212) 134 (203) 150 (190) 8 (46) 14 (37) 8 (49) 18 (47) 498 (801) 34 (179) 526 (980)
No. of unique patternsb 107 (110) 106 (118) 98 (114) 114 (130) 2 (6) 7 (7) 5 (7) 9 (10) 425 (472) 23 (30) 448 (502)
% of unique patterns 69 (56) 66 (56) 73 (56) 76 (68) 25 (13) 50 (19) 63 (14) 50 (21) 85 (59) 68 (17) 85 (51)
No. of rare phylotypesc 132  136  106  130  3  8  3  13 

The values in parentheses are the numbers of clones or isolates. 


Unique patterns were found in only one clone library or culture collection. 


Rare phylotypes were phylotypes that were represented by only a single clone in a clone library or a single isolate in a culture collection.