The retinal distribution and GFAP expression of transplanted HUMSCs in glaucomatous rabbits treated with HUMSC transplantation alone (A, B, C,
D) or assisted with UTMD (E,
H). A The structure of retinal tissue stained with DAPI (blue) in rabbits. B HUMSCs labeled with PKH-26 (orange red, directed by arrows). C The expression of GFAP in HUMSCs transplanted into the retina (green, directed by arrows). D The merged image of A to C. E The structure of retinal tissue stained with DAPI (blue) in rabbits. F HUMSCs labeled with PKH-26 (orange red, directed by arrows). G The expression of GFAP in HUMSCs transplanted into the retina (green, directed by arrows). H The merged image of E to G. HUMSCs were directed with arrows. Scale bar, 50 µm.