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. 2022 May 21;21:74. doi: 10.1186/s12939-022-01658-9

Table 2.

Associations between employment and income indicators with socioeconomic variables during the COVID − 19 pandemic

Outcome: Job lost by a household member Outcome: Change in household income
Probit OLS regression
AME SE CI P-value AME SE CI P-value
Socioeconomic status (ref: E)
 D −0.015 0.031 (− 0.075, 0.045) 0.622 0.290 2.029 (−3.689, 4.268) 0.887
 C − 0.105** 0.030 (−0.165, − 0.046) 0.001 6.630** 2.026 (2.659, 10.602) 0.001
 A/B −0.157** 0.036 (−0.228, − 0.085) < 0.001 14.038** 2.456 (9.224, 18.852) < 0.001
Age −0.002** 0.001 (−0.003, − 0.002) < 0.001 0.017 0.035 (−0.052, 0.086) 0.623
Sex (ref: male)
 Female 0.064** 0.014 (0.035, 0.092) < 0.001 −2.299* 0.992 (−4.244, − 0.353) 0.021
Households with children (ref: no)
 Yes 0.052** 0.017 (0.019, 0.085) 0.002 −5.554** 1.116 (−7.743, −3.366) < 0.001
Month (ref: April)
 May −0.084** 0.028 (−0.138, − 0.030) 0.002 −3.559+ 1.963 (−7.406, 0.289) 0.070
 June −0.072** 0.023 (−0.116, − 0.027) 0.002 −3.282* 1.602 (−6.423, − 0.141) 0.041
 July −0.072** 0.023 (−0.118, − 0.026) 0.002 −2.194 1.631 (−5.392, 1.004) 0.179
 August −0.046* 0.023 (−0.092, − 0.001) 0.046 −1.028 1.587 (−4.140, 2.084) 0.517
Household size 0.041** 0.004 (0.0330, 0.049) < 0.001 −1.567** 0.271 (−2.099, −1.036) < 0.001

AME Average marginal effect, SE Standard error, CI Confidence intervals. ** = significant at 1%; * = significant at 5%; + = significant at 10%