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. 2022 May 21;48(6):690–705. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06705-1

Table 4.


Characteristic All patients (N = 4994)1 Patients intubated at admission (N = 2325)1 Patients intubated during ICU stay (N = 1677)1 Not invasively ventilated during ICU stay (N = 682) p values2 p values2
A B C A vs B A vs C
Deceased 33.9% (4724) 35.6% (2272) 42% (1649) 6.4% (659) <  0.001 <  0.001
Deceased in ICU 32.7% (4723) 34.6% (2271) 40.3% (1648) 5.5% (659) <  0.001 <  0.001
Palliative discharge 0.3% (4724) 0.3% (2272) 0.4% (1649) 0.3% (659) 0.02 <  0.001
Still in ICU (at day 60) 2.8% (4724) 2.7% (2272) 3.7% (1649) 0.3% (659)
Transfer to other facility 8% (4724) 9.6% (2272) 7.2% (1649) 5.9% (659)
Hospitalized (at day 60) 5% (4724) 4.7% (2272) 5.2% (1649) 3.5% (659)
Discharged alive 50% (4724) 47.2% (2272) 41.5% (1649) 83.6% 659)
Duration of stay in ICU before ICU discharge (including death) (days) 17 [10–28] (4535) 20 [12–31] (2183) 19 [12–30] (1568) 7 [4–12] (649) 0.08 <  0.001
Duration of stay in hospital before discharge alive or transfer (days) 28 [18–44] (2664) 33.5 [22–49] (1258) 34 [23–48] (781) 16 [10–22] (569) 0.6 <  0.001
Ongoing RRT requirement after ICU discharge 12.7% (300) 14.4% (174) 7.9% (101) 29.4% (17) 0.11 0.1

Tests are reported without correction for multiple comparisons

RRT renal replacement therapy, ICU intensive care unit

1n (%); median (IQR)

2Pearson's chi-squared test; Wilcoxon rank sum test; Fisher's exact test