Fig. 4. FASN regulates cholesterol reprogramming, consequently leading to lipid rafts and actin skeleton remodeling.
A Assessment of total and free cholesterol concentration in si-FASN (FASN siRNA#1 and #2) and si-Ctrl groups of the HeLa and CaSki cells. B Total and free cholesterol concentration in C33A-vector and C33A-FASN-OE groups. C, D Assessment of total and free cholesterol concentration in the HeLa and CaSki cells treated with different FASN inhibitors (Cerulenin, GSK, C75 and Orlistat). E Total cholesterol concentration in the HeLa and CaSki cells treated with Mock, C75, C75 + HMG-coA, C75 + AA-coA. F, G Lipid raft staining images and corresponding positive areas were analyzed in the same settings in A, B. H F-actin and phospho-FAK IF staining is shown, and p-FAK positivity and the number of filopodia were quantified in si-FASN (FASN siRNA #1 and #2) and si-Ctrl groups of HeLa and CaSki cells. I F-actin and phospho-FAK IF staining, quantification of p-FAK+ area and filopodia number were indicated in C33A-vector and C33A-FASN-OE groups. J, K Western immunoblot analysis of p-FAK, FAK, and β-actin after FASN knockdown (siRNA#1 and #2) and FASN overexpression (FASN-OE). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.