(A) Overall ambulatory distance and (B) across time, (C) average velocity, (D) jump counts, (E) and vertical counts in open field for Esrra+/+, Esrra+/−, and Esrra−/− mice. (n=17 Esrra+/+, n=14 Esrra+/−, n=12 Esrra−/−). (F) Anxiety index in elevated plus maze. (n=8 Esrra+/+, n=11 Esrra+/−, n=5 Esrra−/−). (G) Ambulatory distance and (H) average velocity in open field following intraperitoneal injection of 5mg/kg d-amphetamine. (n=10 Esrra+/+, n=9 Esrra+/−, n=7 Esrra−/−). (I) Prepulse inhibition (N=4–9/genotype) and (J) baseline startle response (n=9 Esrra+/+, n=9 Esrra+/−, n=4 Esrra−/−). (K, L) Maoa and Maob transcript in cortex, hippocampus, striatum, midbrain and cerebellum. (see previous regional data for samples sizes). *p≤0.05, #p≤0.01, @p≤0.001. Violin plots show median represented by the solid line, upper and lower quartiles are represented by dotted lines. Line graphs show mean ± SEM.