Fig. 1.
Shows an example of a comparison of dose distributions in T3b patients treated with ICBT (A) and HBT (B). The solid red line represents 100% isodose line (6 Gy), the dark blue line, 200% isodose line (12 Gy), the orange line, 150% (9 Gy), the green line, 80% (4.8 Gy), the sky blue line, 50% (3 Gy) and the pink line represents the HR-CTV, respectively. In Fig. 1A, even though the dwell time of the left ovoid was set longer than the dwell time of the right ovoid in order to cover as much of the left side parametrial extension as possible, the 100% isodose line could not adequately cover a large portion of the left parametrial extension. On the other hand, in Fig. 1B, since interstitial needles were inserted to cover bilateral parametrial extension, HR-CTV was well covered by the 100% isodose line.