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. 2022 May 9;9:884608. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.884608


Characteristics of the included studies.

Gender The definition of ROP requiring treatmen Measured outcomes Mean birth weight (g) Gestational age (weeks)
Number of participants
Number of eyes
Anti-VEGF dose Intervention Author, year
Male Female Anti-VEGF Laser Anti-VEGF Anti-VEGF dose Laser Anti-VEGF Laser Anti-VEGF Laser
39 40 Zone II (stage 2 or 3 ROP with plus disease). Recurrence, treatment switch, retreatment, adverse events, and death. 28.37 (±1.96) 1202 (±321) 1133 0.625 mg/0.025 mL 36 43 72 86 28.50 (±1.99) Intravitreal bevacizumab vs. Laser Karkhaneh (1)
NR NR Zone 1 (stage 3 with/without plus disease). Structural changes and retinal and choroidal findings on fluorescein angiogram and digital retinal photographs 9 months and 4 years after treatment. 4 infants: mean gestational age = 25.3 (range 22.7-29.3). 17 infants; mean gestational age = 25.6 (range 22.7-29.3). 4 infants: 697 (range 615-755). 17 infants: 667 (range 380-960). 4 infants: 697 (range 615-755). 17 infants: 667 (range 380-960). 0.5mg/0.02mL 21 21 21 4 infants: mean gestational age = 25.3 (range 22.7-29.3). 17 infants; mean gestational age = 25.6 (range 22.7-29.3). Intravitreal bevacizumab vs. Laser Lepore (13)
97 53 Zone I or zone II posterior (stage 3 with plus disease). Recurrence, adverse events, and death. Zone I ROP: 24.2 Zone II ROP: 24.5 Zone I ROP: 657.9 Zone II ROP: 680.7 Zone I ROP: 615.2 Zone II ROP: 689.2 0.625mg/0.025 mL 75 75 150 150 Zone I ROP: 24.3 Zone II ROP: 24.5 Intravitreal bevacizumab vs. Laser Mintz-Hittner (3)
NR NR Zone I or posterior zone II with plus disease. Recurrence, treatment switch, retreatment, and death. Median (range): 25 (24-29) Median (range): 780 (540-1080) Median (range): 780 (540-1080) 1.25 mg/0.05mL 15 15 15 Median (range): 25 (24-29) Intravitreal bevacizumab vs. Laser O’Keeffe (14)
NR NR Zone II (stage 2 or 3 with plus disease). Regression, treatment switch retreatment, adverse events, and death. 28.75 (±1.86) 1273 (±273) 1232 (±318) 0.625mg/0.025 mL 39 77 78 154 28.32 (±2.11) Intravitreal bevacizumab vs. Laser Roohipoor (15)
107 118 Zone I (stage 1, 2 or 3 2 with plus disease), Zone II (stage 3 with plus disease), or aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity. Treatment switch, retreatment, adverse events, and death. 0.1 mg median (range): 26 (23-32) 0.2 mg median (range): 25 (23-32) 831 (±284) 0.1 mg: 886 (±299) 0.2 mg: 791 (±244) 0.1 mg 0.2 mg 74 74 148 148 Median (range): 26 (23-32) Intravitreal ranibizumab vs. Laser Stahl (9)
28 22 Zone II (Stage 2 or 3 with plus disease). Recurrence, treatment switch, retreatment, and adverse events. 28.96 (±1.59) 1.06 (±0.24) (kg) 1.22 (±0.32) (kg) 0.3 mg/0.03 mL 25 75 50 50 28.27 (±1.84) Intravitreal ranibizumab vs. Laser Zhang (10)

NR, not reported; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.