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. 2022 May 21;15:11786329221100310. doi: 10.1177/11786329221100310

Table 1.

The characteristics of studies included to study maternal health care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A scoping Review.

Author and year Study area Source of the data Study design Sample size Findings related to the review % Recommendations of the study Limitations of the study
Any or ANC4+ ANC4+ and SBA ANC4+, SBA &PNC /CoC
Wang and Hong17 Cambodia Secondary: CDHS 2010 Cross-sectional 6472 90 71 60 Quality of ANC connected to SBAs and PNC Using 48 h after delivery as the cutoff
Yeji et al18 Ghana Primary Cross-sectional 1500 86 NI 8 Other designs CoC is measured based on women’s recall response
Akinyemi et al19 Nigeria Secondary: NDHS 2013 Cross-sectional 20 467 [Any] 60.6 22.5 11.4 Further studies to fully understand why women do not complete the CoC Reasons for dropout between delivery and sixth week of PNC as such data not collected in NDHS
Iqbal et al20 Pakistan Secondary: PDHS CB cross sectional 5724 for 2006/7 28 20 15 No causal relationships displayed because of nature of the design used Lack of uniformity in variables, the information is based on self-reports and may be biased
7461 for 2012/13 38 32 27
Singh et al21 The nine MCH priority countries for USAID Cross-sectional 18 036 Nine countries 37.9 28.3 16.9 Better future studies focus on which geographic or administrative areas need the most focus Not possible to study the quality of services, Study designs was subject to recall bias
S. Asian 38.8 29.2 24.5
SSA 37.5 28.0 13.9
Mohan et al22 Tanzania Primary Cross-sectional 1931 66.5 65 10.3 The status of CoC for MNCH services in a non-project setting Not account for content delivered or quality of the content delivered and design
Tamang23 Nepal Secondary: NMICS 2014 Cross sectional 2048 NI 53.1 45.7 In-depth exploration of the barriers and community perceptions
Hamed et al24 Egypt Primary Cross-sectional 2790 90 85 50.4 The information is based on self-reports Study populations are rural women
Kikuchi et al25 Cambodia Primary Cross-sectional 377 32.6 19.1 5 Interventions or longitudinal studies Selection bias, recall bias
CSA and ICF et al26
Ethiopian Primary CB cross sectional 1281 39.9 31.1 12.1 Improving early initiation and quality of ANC Prone to recall bias as the data collected retrospectively
Chaka et al27 Ethiopia Secondary: EDHS 2016 CB cross sectional 1342 31.8 NI 9.1 Tracking the progress and factors influence completion of the CoC Who died due to childbirth related complications were not included and recall bias
Sakuma et al28 Lao PDR Primary CB cross sectional 263 54.4 30.4 6.8 Promotion of early ANC and family [male] involvement Deceased women were not included, information and recall bias
Dereje et al (Unpublished) 29 Ethiopia Secondary: AMHDS CB cross sectional 438 25.2 18.5 9.7 Early booking during antenatal period Social desirability bias, selection bias, recall bias

Abbreviations: AMHDS, Arba Minch Health and Demographic Surveillance; CB, Community based; EDHS, Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey; Lao PDR, Lao People’s Democratic Republic: one of East Asia’s poorest; NI, Not indicated; NMICS, Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey; SBA, skilled birth attendance; The 9 MCH priority countries for USAID: Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda.