Table 1.
Summary statistics for country characteristics and COVID-19 outcomes.
Country characteristic | Mean | SD | Min | Max | Observations |
Number of bordering countriesa | 3.32 | 2.58 | 0 | 14 | 187 |
Freedom house scoreb | 6.94 | 4.04 | 2 | 14 | 184 |
Population densityc | 303.96 | 1555.63 | 2 | 19348 | 181 |
UHC service coverage indexc | 64.23 | 15.55 | 25 | 89 | 174 |
Democracy statusd | 0.59 | 0.49 | 0 | 1 | 181 |
COVID cases per million (total)e | 16,178.98 | 19,969.66 | 3 | 104,174 | 183 |
COVID deaths per million (total)e | 315.68 | 398.64 | 0 | 1738 | 171 |
Income category c | Low | Low-middle | Middle-high | High | Observations |
Count | 22 | 44 | 47 | 69 | 182 |
Sources: aCorrelates of War Direct Contiguity Data; bFreedom House's Global Democracy Score; cWorld Bank Open Data; dBjoernskov-Rode Regime Data; eWHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard.