the size of the algorithmic information content of an encoded object
Section 2 |
the size of the (conditional) algorithmic information content of an encoded object given an encoded object
Section 2 |
acronym for finite discrete deterministic dynamical system |
Section 2 |
constant that determines the equivalence class
Section 2 |
a single state of a FDDDS at time instant
Section 2 |
a state space trajectory of from the state until state
Section 2 |
an algorithmic perturbation |
Section 3 |
an observer Turing machine, which is a particular type of two-tape Turing machine whose first tape receives input and the second tape stores formal knowledge |
([1], Section 3.2) |
a formal observer system, which is a particular type of FDDDS that simulates
Section 3 |
a single state of at time instant that occurs after being perturbed/observed at any time instant
Section 3 |
constant that determines the minimum conditions for the observation to take place |
Section 3 |
acronym for observer-dependent emergence |
Section 3a |
constant that determines the minimum conditions for observer-dependent emergence |
Section 3a |
acronym for asymptotically observer-independent emergence |
Section 3b |
a sequence (or collection) of Turing machines |
Section 3b(i) |
a discrete deterministic dynamical system whose each contiguous subsequence of its entire state space trajectory is a state space trajectory of a particular FDDDS
Section 3b(ii) |
a macro-level discrete deterministic dynamical system whose micro-level systems (or parts) cannot interact with each other |
Section 3b(ii) |
a macro-level discrete deterministic dynamical system whose micro-level systems (or parts) do interact with each other |
Section 3b(ii) |