Table 3.
Programmatic implication of the findings.
Areas of interest | Constraints/barriers | Favorable factors | Opportunities for interventions |
Challenges of providing mental health care services through digital media | The communication gap between service providers and users Lack of cost-effective mental health services for the overall population |
Increased demand for digital mental health services | Training mental health professionals to provide mental health support effectively through digital media Integrating low-cost digital mental health services in universal health coverage |
Unable to prescribe all kinds of psychiatric drugs online | Existence of telemedicine services for other health issues | Regulation and monitoring of digital mental health services so that professionals can provide need-based care. Tailoring of need specific personalized care guided by evidence and community interest Strengthening psychiatric care pathway through telemedicine |
Maintaining a proper therapeutic environment Lack of privacy of mental health services |
Available good examples of successful cases of digital services | Creating evidence-based guidelines and rules for both users and service providers to ensure quality of care. Proper advertisements of successful stories. |
Misleading information about mental health-related issues creats misconceptions Malpractice among mental health service providers Lack of certification and licensing body for providing authentic mental health support |
Digital-based mental health-related platforms are available Existence of mental health act 2018 |
Establishing monitoring and evaluation body to ensure ethical practice and improve the quality of care, mental health-related information on the websites Encourage other health and mental health service providers to create and share mental health content via their social media platforms. Proper implementation of the mental health act and monitoring the overall mental health services. |
Weak digital communication system and technological issues Lack of digital apps for mental health services Lack of knowledge of using digital media and devices effectively |
Widespread use of mobile phones nationwide People are receiving mental health care through digital media Presence of lay health workers |
Strengthening digital communication system and expanding the reach of strong telecommunication system Increasing advocacy at the government level to focus on technological advancement to improve the networking system. Launching apps and software for mental health to share evidence-based online educative materials and therapeutic services for the general population. Capacity building of lay health workers in training community people in using digital mental health services |
Lack of collaboration among different level health and mental health service providers | Presence of medical and non-medical mental health service providers | Creation of governmental forum for gathering different level mental health service providers for increased collaboration and | |
Lack of knowledge among population about mental health care and services. | Existence different mental health services in Bangladesh | Mass promotion of mental health professionals and services through digital media about the qualifications. |