DDX5 expression is enhanced in PDAC, and PDAC tumours with high DDX5 expression are linked to high sensitivity to FL118. (A) Expression of DDX5 in three human normal pancreases and seven PDAC tumour specimens is analysed using western blots. GAPDH is used as the internal control. The Rel. inten of the western blot bend for DDX5 in each tumour tissue was added by setting the 14244 tumour DDX5 expression as 100 after being normalised to the GAPDH internal control. Of note, since the GAPDH expression is abnormal in the 16870‐tumour tissue, quantification of this tumour tissue was not assessed. (B), (C), (D) patient‐derived xenograft (PDX; PDX19015 (B), PDX17624 (C) and PDX12872 (D) tumour growth curves after vehicle and FL118 treatment. The PDX tumour model setup and treatment are described in the Methods section. Treatment with vehicle or FL118 was weekly x 4 by oral administration (arrowed) at 2.5 mg/kg (1/4 MTD). (E) PDX12872 tumour growth curves after vehicle and FL118 treatment alone or in combination with gemcitabine (Gem, FL118, 5 mg/kg (1/2 MTD), orally; Gem, 40 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, weekly x 4, arrowed). (F) Mouse body weight changes from the (E) study. Each tumour curve (B, C, D, E) or each mouse body weight change curve (F) is the mean + SD from five mice.