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. 2022 May 23;73(10):3189–3204. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erac113

Table 3.

Results of phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analysis and ANOVA for the effects of photosynthetic type on environmental variables and principal components (PCs) for C3 and C4 trees on the Hawaiian Islands.

Parameter a Unit C3 min C3 max C3 mean C3 SD C4 min C4 max C4 mean C4 SD λ b F c P c
Temperature of the Coldest Month °C 0.410 17.941 15.649 2.983 0.410 17.939 12.477 5.137 0.000 3.971 0.061
Temperature of the Wettest Quarter (Growing Season) °C 4.710 24.565 20.326 3.030 4.710 23.106 17.203 5.103 0.000 3.763 0.067
Precipitation of the Driest Month mm 0.808 611.644 93.195 90.269 4.556 611.644 82.623 107.192 0.000 0.002 0.968
Seasonality 0.101 1.058 0.356 0.196 0.128 0.774 0.371 0.161 0.000 0.058 0.812
Yearly Average Solar Radiation W m–2 148.715 290.951 202.409 26.206 152.292 290.951 216.390 30.964 0.057 0.285 0.600
Yearly Average Vegetation Cover Fraction 0.048 1.000 0.736 0.205 0.048 0.991 0.674 0.272 0.000 0.043 0.839
Climatic Water Deficit mm 504.600 6620.157 2665,233 1502.165 504.600 4784.676 2072.157 951.226 0.954 0.008 0.930
PC1 –6.774 2.311 0.290 1.285 –6.774 1.720 –0.993 2.301 0.000 2.421 0.136
PC2 –5.603 3.764 0.132 1.526 –5.603 3.058 –0.287 1.366 1.000 0.484 0.495
PC3 –2.422 2.216 0.053 1.009 –2.091 1.383 –0.111 0.882 0.000 0.248 0.624

a Minimum (min), maximum (max), mean, and SD are given for each of seven environmental variables and three PCs for C3 (n=184 individuals, 16 species) and C4 (n=66 individuals, five species) trees.

b Pagel’s lambda (λ) was obtained from the PGLS and estimates the variance due to phylogenetic sources.

c F- and P-values were obtained from the ANOVA. Marginally significant results (P<0.1) are italicized. No variable remained significant, marginal or otherwise, after a Bonferroni correction.

All values are given to three decimal places.