miR-200c directly targets Hnf1b and ApoO in vitro.A, alignment of putative miR-200c seed sequences in Hnf1b and ApoO 3′ UTRs. The reference sequence of mouse miR-200c-3p is shown. The seed sequence of miR-200c is shown in bold. B and C, luciferase reporter assays of control luciferase reporter (pmirGLO), Hnf1b-3′UTR-Luc, and ApoO-3′UTR-Luc in Hepa1 cells. Ten nanomolar or twenty-five nanomolar of microRNA mimic or inhibitor was used for transfection assays. D, luciferase reporter assays of mutant Hnf1b-3′UTR-Luc and ApoO-3′UTR-Luc in Hepa1 cells. Twenty-five nanomolar of microRNA mimic was used for transfection assays. Statistical significance was assessed by Student’s t test; ∗p < 0.05. Luc, luciferase; NC, nonspecific control; M, mimic; In, inhibitor. UTR, untranslated region.