Fig. 2.
Evaluation of (A) PTB by classification of levodopa responsiveness and (B) percent of individuals with bradykinesia from 09:00 to 18:00 by PTB grouping with evaluable morning data. Panel A shows the PTB of F, CNF, and UNF and subtypes of F (CP CWO, UP, and UWO). Percentages along the x-axis show their relative proportions. CNF: an individual whose bradykinesia was controlled (mBKS <26) at time of the first daily levodopa dose and remained controlled after the first dose. F: an individual whose bradykinesia was above target (mBKS ≥26) at time of the first daily levodopa dose and who experienced a significant levodopa response. UNF: an individual whose bradykinesia was above target at time of the first daily levodopa dose and remained above target after the first dose without evidence of a significant levodopa response. CP: an individual whose bradykinesia is below target after the first daily levodopa dose and the bradykinesia persists below target for>2 h after the peak response. CWO: an individual whose bradykinesia is below target after the first daily levodopa dose and subsequently experiences wearing “OFF.” UP: an individual whose bradykinesia is above target after the first daily levodopa dose and persists. UWO: an individual whose bradykinesia is above target after the first daily levodopa dose and who experiences a wearing “OFF” of the levodopa response they did experience. Panel B: Gray bars show the relative percentage of individuals with evaluable morning data experiencing bradykinesia from 09:00 to 18:00 in each PTB range, while green bars and maroon bars show the percentage with morning bradykinesia that is below or above target, respectively. Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding. CNF, controlled nonfluctuator; CP, controlled persisting; CWO, controlled wearing “OFF”; F, fluctuator; mBKS, median bradykinesia score; PTB, percent time in bradykinesia; UNF, uncontrolled nonfluctuator; UP, uncontrolled persisting; UWO, uncontrolled wearing “OFF.” (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)