Figure 2. Forest Plot of Mean Age at Death and Mean Duration of Alzheimer Disease Dementia in Adults With Down Syndrome.
The forest plot shows (A) the mean age at death across 9 eligible studies (Nā=ā324) and (B) the mean disease duration across 7 eligible studies from the systematic review (Nā=ā226 individuals) for Alzheimer disease dementia in adults with Down syndrome. The points indicate the mean, the arms indicate the 95% CI, the light blue diamond represents the overall pooled estimate (calculated with the DerSimonian-Laird method), and its width represents the confidence interval. The dotted line indicates the pooled estimates for age at death (58.4 years) and duration (4.6 years). The minimal sample size for a study to be eligible was 5 or more participants. Weights were calculated using random-effects analysis.