Ubiquitin‐specific peptidase 10 (USP10) knockdown increases ubiquitination and degradation of YAP1 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD) cells. (A) Protein levels of YAP1, Cyr61, and USP10 in Panc‐1 and BxPC‐1 cells after shUSP10 transfection examined by western blot analysis; (B) binding relationship between USP10 and YAP1 in Panc‐1 and BxPC‐1 cells examined by the Co‐IP assay; (C) sub‐cellular distribution of USP10 and YAP1 in Panc‐1 and BxPC‐1 cells examined using dual immunofluorescence staining; (D) ubiquitination level of YAP1 in 293T cells after HA‐ubiquitin, Flag‐YAP1, or USP10 overexpression; (E) ubiquitination level of YAP1 in Panc‐1 and BxPC3 cells after USP10 knockdown examined by Co‐IP; and (F) protein level of YAP1 in Panc‐1 and BxPC3 cells after 10 μM MG132 treatment determined by western blot analysis. Differences were analyzed by two‐way ANOVA (A), **P < 0.01