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. 2022 May 3;35:10433. doi: 10.3389/ti.2022.10433


Previous Reported Cases of Post lung Transplant Hyperammonemia.

References Gender Case (s) POD to peak Peak NH3 Bowel decontamination N2 scavengers RRT Outcome Hypothesized etiology
(31) F 1 7 3,207 L NR CAVHD Died Glutamine synthetase deficiency
(19) F 1 35 535 L, N SB IHD Died Glutamine synthetase deficiency
(32) M 1 1 269 L, N AR,SB, SP Hemoperfusion with charcoal + IHD Survived NR
(1) 4
Patient 1 NR 29 5000 L +/− N NR None Died Idiopathic
Patient 2 NR 27 900 L +/− N SB, SP None Died Idiopathic
Patient 3 NR 5 3136 None NR None Died Idiopathic
Patient 4 NR 20 1800 L +/− N SB, SP IHD Survived Idiopathic
(33) M 1 22 338 L, ME, R AR, LC, SB, SP CVVHD Survived Idiopathic
(14) F 1 5 >1,200 L, R NR CVVHD Died Mycoplasma hominis
(34) F 1 7 704 L, R NR CVVHD Died Mycoplasma hominis
(35) 4
Patient 1 NR NR NR L SB, SP CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 2 NR NR NR L SB, SP CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 3 NR NR NR L SB, SP CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 4 NR NR NR L SB, SP CVVHD Survived Idiopathic
(27) 3
Patient 1 M 9 269 L, N AA, AR, SB, SP CVVHD+IHD Survived Idiopathic
Patient 2 M 12 330 R AR, LC CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 3 M 9 475 L, R, ME AR, LC, SP CVVHD, IHD Survived Idiopathic
(11) 5
Patient 1 M 10 291 L, R LC, SB, SP CVVHD Died Ureaplasma urealyticum infection
Patient 2 M 10 NR NR NR NR Died Ureaplasma urealyticum infection
Patient 3 M 12 549 NR NR NR Died Ureaplasma urealyticum infection
Patient 4 M 9 NR NR NR NR Survived Ureaplasma parvum infection
Patient 5 F 10 >200 L, R AR, LC, SB IHD Survived Ureaplasma parvum infection
(2) 6
Patient 1 M 1,597 L NR IHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 2 F 479 L, N NR CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 3 M 366 L, N AR, LC IHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 4 M 289 L, ME, R AR, LV, SP IHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 5 F 304 L, ME, R AR, LV, SP IHD Survived Idiopathic
Patient 6 M 11 374 NR NR CVVHD Died Idiopathic
(12) F 1 5 80 NR NR NR Survived Ureaplasma
(36) M 1 29 246 L, ME, R SP NR Survived Ureaplasma
(37) F 1 8 399 L, R SB CVVHD/HD Died Idiopathic
(18) 6
Patient 1 M 18 312 L, ME, R AR, LC, SB CVVHD Survived Idiopathic
Patient 2 M 8 341 L, ME, R AR, LC, SB, SP CVVHD + IHD Survived Idiopathic
Patient 3 M 11 55 L, ME, R AR, LC, SB, SP CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 4 M 45 189 L, ME, R AR, LC, SB, SP CVVHD Died Idiopathic
Patient 5 M 6 198 L, ME, R AR, LC, SB IHD Survived Idiopathic
(38) M 1 8 830 L, R NR CRRT + HD Died CPS I inhibition by VPA
(39) M 1 32 506 L, R SB, SP CVVHD Survived NR
(40) 2
Patient 1 F 3 144 L, R, ME LC, SB MARS Survived Idiopathic
Patient 2 F 9 95 L, R, ME NR MARS/ECMO/PP/RRT Survived Idiopathic

AA, acetohydroxamic Acid; AR, arginine; CA, carbaglumic acid; CAVHD, continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis; CVVHD, continuous veno-venous hemodialysis; CPS I, carbamoyl phosphate synthase I; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; F, female; IHD, intermittent hemodialysis; L, lactulose; LC, levocarnitine; M, male; MARS, molecular adsorbent recirculating system; ME, metronidozole; N, neomycin; NR, not reported; PP, plasmapheresis; POD, Post-operative day; R, rifaximin; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SB, sodium benzoate; SP, sodium phenylacetate; VPA, valproic acid.