Cell wall composition analysis and effects of exogenous myoinositol treatment on fruit softening. (a, b) Content of myoinositol (a) and uronic acid (b) of fruits in WT, OESlIMP3, and ASSlIMP3 lines at different developmental stages: MG mature green fruit, RF red fruit. (c) Percent of neutral sugars (Rha rhamnose, Fuc fucose, Ara arabinose, Xyl xylose, Man mannose, Gal galactose, and Glu glucose) of WT, OESlIMP3, and ASSlIMP3 lines fruits at red fruit stage. (d) Red fruits of CK (control check) and myoinositol treatment lines were stored at 25°C for 0 day and 26 days. Scale bars, 5 mm. Statistics of water loss rate every two days. All data contain three replicate and SD was given by error bar. Statistical significance between WT and OESlIMP3/ASSlIMP3 lines was indicated by an asterisk (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001). (e) Water loss rate of CK and myoinositol treatment lines. (f, g) Cell wall thickness in CK and myoinositol treatment lines. Scale bars, 1 μm. The cell wall of fruit pericarp cells was observed by transmission electron microscope, and the thickness of the cell wall was measured with ImageJ software. The data contain three replicates; the error bars represent the SD. Scale bars, 1 μm. (h, i) Total ascorbate and reduced ascorbate contents in CK and myoinositol treatment lines. All data contain three replicates and SD was given by error bar. Statistical significance between CK and myoinositol treatment lines was indicated by an asterisk (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).