Overexpression of SlDHAR gene does not increase cell wall thickness and delay fruit softening. (a, b) Total ascorbate and reduced ascorbate contents in different tomato tissues (L leaf, S stem, IMG immature green fruit, MG mature green fruit, BF break fruit, OF orange fruit, RF red fruit) of ACWT and OESlDHAR lines. (c) Red fruits of ACWT and OESlDHAR lines were stored at 25°C for 30 days. Scale bars, 5 mm. (d) Water loss rate of ACWT and OESlDHAR lines. Statistics of water loss rate every five days. (e) Firmness of fruits at different developmental stages: GF green fruit, OF orange fruit, RF red fruit. (f, g) The difference in cell wall thickness between ACWT and OESlDHAR lines. The cell wall of fruit pericarp cells was observed by transmission electron microscope, and cell wall thickness was measured with ImageJ software. The data contain three replicates and SD was given by error bar. Scale bars, 1 μm. All data contain three replicates and SD was given by error bar. Statistical significance between ACWT and OESlDHAR lines was indicated by asterisk (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001).