Fig. 4.
VPA increases Wnt/β-catenin signaling and induces LEF1 expression. a Barplot shows percentage of mCherry-positive cells or percentage of mCherry-positive eGFP-positive cells. Data represent mean ± SEM for n=3 cell lines. Statistical analysis: Mann-Whitney U test. Data distribution for 2 experiments for each cell line is shown in Fig. S7. b Scatterplot of logFC from the comparison between NR in vehicle and CTL in vehicle versus NR in VPA and CTL in VPA. Each dot represents a gene. Line indicates a 1:1 relationship. c Expression pattern of key Wnt-signaling genes. P-value from comparison between NR with vehicle and NR treated with VPA. d Top functionally enriched terms from genes identified to be recovered in NR after the addition of VPA. e Channel-related genes that are recovered in NR after treatment with VPA.