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. 2022 Feb 18;126(11):1627–1636. doi: 10.1038/s41416-022-01733-6

Table 2.

Number and proportion of patients diagnosed with cancer within a year after presenting to primary care with fatigue compared to general population estimates, by gender and age band.

Patients with fatigue England population
Cancera Total Cancerb Total
n % [lci,uci] N n % [lci,uci] N Absolute difference (%) Risk ratio [lci,uci] P-value
 30–34 <5c 4,741 1,074 0.06 [0.06,0.06] 1,765,282
 35–39 12 0.19 [0.1,0.34] 6,206 1,299 0.07 [0.07,0.08] 1,755,657 0.12 2.61 [1.35,4.58] 0.001
 40–44 19 0.25 [0.15,0.39] 7,619 2,183 0.11 [0.11,0.12] 1,921,918 0.14 2.2 [1.32,3.44] 0.001
 45–49 30 0.37 [0.25,0.52] 8,177 3,804 0.2 [0.19,0.2] 1,926,100 0.17 1.86 [1.25,2.66] 0.001
 50–54 80 1 [0.79,1.24] 8,040 6,166 0.36 [0.35,0.37] 1,698,988 0.63 2.74 [2.17,3.42] <0.001
 55–59 117 1.47 [1.21,1.76] 7,981 10,086 0.68 [0.67,0.69] 1,484,784 0.79 2.16 [1.78,2.59] <0.001
 60–64 208 2.37 [2.06,2.72] 8,761 17,610 1.13 [1.12,1.15] 1,551,998 1.24 2.09 [1.82,2.4] <0.001
 65–69 254 3.63 [3.2,4.11] 6,996 21,197 1.71 [1.68,1.73] 1,242,613 1.92 2.13 [1.87,2.41] <0.001
 70–74 298 4.54 [4.04,5.08] 6,568 22,369 2.32 [2.29,2.35] 963,578 2.22 1.95 [1.74,2.19] <0.001
 75–79 362 5.65 [5.09,6.27] 6,402 21,219 2.79 [2.75,2.83] 761,127 2.87 2.03 [1.82,2.25] <0.001
 80–84 328 6.47 [5.79,7.21] 5,072 16,448 3.14 [3.09,3.19] 524,192 3.33 2.06 [1.84,2.3] <0.001
 85+ 275 6 [5.32,6.76] 4,580 13,253 3.4 [3.34,3.46] 389,909 2.61 1.77 [1.56,1.99] <0.001
 30–34 22 0.14 [0.08,0.21] 16,237 1,668 0.09 [0.09,0.1] 1,763,868 0.04 1.43 [0.9,2.18] 0.092
 35–39 32 0.17 [0.12,0.24] 18,738 2,693 0.15 [0.15,0.16] 1,766,715 0.02 1.12 [0.76,1.59] 0.522
 40–44 59 0.29 [0.22,0.38] 20,201 4,823 0.25 [0.24,0.25] 1,959,565 0.05 1.19 [0.9,1.53] 0.190
 45–49 99 0.5 [0.4,0.6] 19,965 7,705 0.39 [0.38,0.4] 1,965,976 0.10 1.27 [1.03,1.54] 0.020
 50–54 119 0.71 [0.59,0.85] 16,747 9,689 0.56 [0.55,0.57] 1,723,591 0.15 1.26 [1.05,1.51] 0.011
 55–59 137 0.98 [0.82,1.16] 13,988 10,687 0.7 [0.69,0.72] 1,518,717 0.28 1.39 [1.17,1.65] <0.001
 60–64 219 1.71 [1.49,1.95] 12,810 15,768 0.98 [0.96,0.99] 1,610,293 0.73 1.75 [1.52,2] <0.001
 65–69 231 2.15 [1.88,2.44] 10,754 16,415 1.25 [1.23,1.27] 1,315,007 0.90 1.72 [1.5,1.96] <0.001
 70–74 238 2.29 [2.01,2.6] 10,384 15,681 1.46 [1.44,1.49] 1,070,973 0.83 1.57 [1.37,1.78] <0.001
 75–79 316 2.94 [2.62,3.28] 10,748 15,805 1.72 [1.7,1.75] 917,204 1.22 1.71 [1.52,1.91] <0.001
 80–84 307 3.43 [3.05,3.83] 8,961 14,821 2 [1.97,2.03] 741,655 1.43 1.71 [1.53,1.92] <0.001
 85+ 321 3.23 [2.89,3.61] 9,930 16,778 2.09 [2.06,2.12] 803,409 1.14 1.55 [1.38,1.73] <0.001

aCancer diagnoses between 2007 and 2014, 12 months after first presentation with fatigue to primary care in 2007–2013, while aged 30–99 years.

bEstimated 12-month population incidence, based on annual number of cancer diagnoses and mid-year population estimates for England, 2011. Available population estimates include patients aged >99 years. This was estimated to account for <0.9% of people aged 85+ in this analysis, thus would have a negligible impact on cancer incidence estimates for this age group. cCell counts under 5 are suppressed to reduce statistical disclosure risk.