Nodal |
Essential for mesoderm (and endoderm) induction and promotes dorsal/medial patterning [15, 16]. |
Not essential as loss of function during NMP-derived mesoderm induction has no impact on mesoderm formation [17]. |
No role currently identified. |
Essential for induction of posterior mesoderm and patterning into dorsal/medial fates [15, 18]. |
Essential for EMT completion during NMP-derived mesoderm induction. Loss of FGF signaling in mesoderm fated NMPs causes them to be trapped in the partial EMT state and prevents mesodermal differentiation [19]. |
Essential for patterning NMP-derived mesoderm into the paraxial mesoderm fate [20]. |
Canonical Wnt |
Essential for mesoderm induction and patterning, with maternal signaling promoting dorsal/medial fates and zygotic signaling promoting ventral/lateral fates [15, 21]. |
Essential for both the maintenance of NMPs and the induction of NMP-derived mesoderm. This pathway is required for EMT initiation during NMP-derived mesoderm induction [3, 10, 22]. |
Essential for patterning NMP-derived mesoderm into the paraxial mesoderm fate [3]. |
Plays a role in mesoderm induction and patterning. Best known for pattering mesoderm into ventral/lateral fates [15, 23]. |
No direct role currently identified. |
Essential for patterning NMP-derived mesoderm into the lateral mesoderm fate [20, 24]. |