Figure 6.
OCT in bifurcation angioplasty. (A,B) Coronary angiography showed a significant left main (LM) bifurcation lesion (Medina 1.1.1). (C) Pre-PCI OCT showed the carina tip (CT) angle of 70° and CT to bifurcation point (CT-BP length) of 2 mm suggestive of bifurcation lesion suitable for provisional stenting without the risk of side branch (SB) compromise. (D) An OCT-guided LM-LAD cross-over stenting was done followed by the proximal optimization technique (POT) with balloons of appropriate size. (E) Post-PCI angiography showed TIMI III flow in left coronary system without LCx compromise. Post-PCI OCT showed well-apposed stent with 87% expansion (F), without proximal or distal edge dissection (G,J) and minimal stent struts across LCx ostium (H). 3D reconstruction showed minimal inappropriate stent apposition across LCx ostium with link-free carina (I).