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. 2022 May 11;13:889472. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.889472

Table 2.

Project information and genomic features of draft genome sequences of different isolates of P. viticola.

Property Strain INRA_Pvit_2 JL-7-2 PvitFEM01
Sequencing technology PacBio Illumina HiSeq; PacBio Illumina
Mean coverage 185.0x 207.0x 164.0x
Assembly method PBcR v. wgs8.3rc2 AllPaths v. DEC-2015; PBJelly2 v. MAY-2016 Ray v. JANUARY-2014
Assembly level Scaffold
BioSample SAMN05415085 SAMN06231250 SAMN06627059
Source material identifier (host) Leaves (V. vinifera) Leaves (V. labrusca) Leaves and spores (V. vinifera)
Project relevance Agriculture
Geographic location France: Blanquefort China: Jilin province Italy: San Michele all'Adige
Size 92.94 Mb 101.30 Mb 83.54 Mb
G+C content (%) 44.80 37.50 42.40
Number of scaffolds 358 2,165 57,890
Scaffold N50 706,521 172,266 4,645
Scaffold L50 38 172 3,777
Number of contigs 374 23,193 65,120
Contig N50 666,562 14,258 2,161
Contig L50 41 1,201 7,173
GenBank ID MBPM00000000 MTPI00000000 NBAH00000000
References Dussert et al., 2016, 2019 China Agriculture University Brilli et al., 2018