Figure 5.
miR-206-3p inhibitors promote neurite growth. (A) Representative morphology of MAP2+ cells in primary cortical neurons (red) transfected with miR-206-3p mimics and inhibitors (Scale bars: 50 µm). Quantification of the average neurite length of neurons (B), the proportion of the longest length of neural neurites over 100 µm (C) and the number of neural neurites per neuron (D), n = 6. (E-H) The expression of PSD95, GAP43 and SYN in rat primary cortical neurons transfected with miR-206-3p mimics and inhibitors, n = 6. Data are mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. P values are calculated by student's t-test.