High‐lonely men exhibited stronger right amygdala activity (MNIxyz: 30, 0, −20, F
(1,72) = 12.62, p
FWE = 0.046, n = 76; A) during fear conditioning than high‐lonely women and this pattern was reversed in low‐lonely participants. Furthermore, connectivity between the left amygdala (red cluster) as the seed region and left orbitofrontal areas (blue cluster; MNIxyz: −44, 28, −16, k = 98, p
FWE = 0.02, n = 76; B) was increased during fear conditioning in high‐lonely men compared to high‐lonely women, and this pattern was again reversed in low‐lonely participants. Coordinates are in MNI space, and error bars show the standard error of the mean (SEM). Abbreviations: COND, conditioning; CS+, fear‐associated conditioned stimulus; CS−, non‐fear‐associated conditioned stimulus; EXT, extinction; L, left; R, right. P‐values were calculated by mixed design ANOVAs with the fixed factors sex and loneliness and post hoc two‐sample t‐tests. * p < 0.05.