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. 2021 May 18;28(2):160–168. doi: 10.1177/15910199211019176

Table 3.

The diagnostic performances of the RFs and other parameters for predicting FPE.

Feature Area under the curve 95% confidence interval Cutoff value Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) p value Diagnostic accuracy (%)
GLRLM_LGRE 0.807 0.690–0.923 >0.00036 76 68 0.002 71.1
GLRLM_SRLGE 0.799 0.680–0.917 >0.00036 72 70 0.002 71.1
GLRLM_LRLGE 0.776 0.651–0.901 >0.00038 72 70 0.005 69.2
NGLDM_Coarseness 0.688 0.539–0.837 >0.018 64 70 0.028 65.4
GLZLM_SZE 0.723 0.582–0.864 >0.91 64 70 0.013 67.2
GLZLM_LGZE 0.765 0.635–0.895 >0.00037 68 70 0.006 69.2
GLZLM_SZLGE 0.778 0.648–0.907 >0.00034 80 70 <0.001 75
GLZLM_ZP 0.752 0.620–0.884 >0.895 68 70 0.006 69.2
GLRLM_GLNU 0.667 0.518–0.815 <2.825 56 63 0.271 57.6
NGLDM_Busyness 0.741 0.606–0.876 <0.018 60 70 0.028 65.4
GLZLM_LZE 0.747 0.615–0.880 <1.38 64 70 0.013 67.3
GLZLM_LZHGE 0.739 0.604–0.874 <6410 60 63 0.098 61.5
Female sex 72 66 0.005 69.2
Baseline ASPECT score 0.675 0.527–0.822 >8.5 72 63 0.005 69.2

RF: radiomics features; FPE: first pass effect; GLRLM: gray-level run-length matrix; LGRE: low gray-level run emphasis; SRLGE: short-run low gray-level emphasis; LRLGE: long-run low gray-level emphasis; NGLDM: neighborhood gray-level difference matrix; GLZLM: gray-level zone length matrix; SZE: short-zone emphasis; LGZE: low gray-level zone emphasis; SZLGE: short-zone low gray-level emphasis; ZP: zone percentage; GLNU: gray-level non-uniformity; LZE: long-zone emphasis; LZHGE: long-zone high gray-level emphasis; ASPECT: Alberta Stroke Program Early computed tomography.