Figure 1.
(A-C) preoperative office flexible view of idiopathic subglottic stenosis (Cotton-Myer grade III); (B-D) the tritube provides minimal traumatic intubation and guarantees an ideal working space and exposure by maintaining stable ventilation; (E) an advanced case of RRP (Derkay site score: 12; Derkay clinical score: 7); (F) this difficult intubation can be achieved by small-lumen ventilation, such as Evone®. This latter, compared to HFJV, protects against aerosolisation of papillomavirus in the operating theatre; (G) the larynx of a patient repeatedly treated for RRP with a posterior glottic stenosis (Bogdasarian II); (H) the use of a narrow tube allows the treatment of the posterior compartment of the larynx, despite the presence of the posterior web.