Spontaneous dissemination of subcutaneously implanted tumors
(A) Systemic location of metastases observed in mice subcutaneously implanted with human BMs throughout passages (n = 2 NSG mice/passage for each engrafted BM sample).
(B) Pattern of dissemination of cancer cells across in vivo passages (n = 50).
(C–H) Representative clinical case of a 61-year-old male patient (MET-CF78) with metastatic lung carcinoma to the brain and to the liver, whose PDX mimicked the donor patient disease. (C) Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, coronal T1 contrast-enhanced, showing a right cerebellar hemisphere metastasis. (D) H&E staining of the mouse lumbar spinal cord with leptomeningeal dissemination (arrow). (E) Computed tomography (CT) scan of the patient’s thorax showing a primary lung cancer on the right lung and (F) H&E staining of the matched mouse lung with a metastasis (arrow). (G) Patient abdominal CT scan showing a liver metastasis (arrow) and (H) the matched liver metastasis in the xenograft. Scale bars, (D) 250 μm, (F) 100 μm, (H) 1 mm. See also Figures S3 and S4 and Table S2.