Fluorescent double labeling of Otp and Fogx1 in chicken. (A–A′′,D) Sagittal sections of the chicken embryonic forebrain, at E8, hybridized for Otp (magenta color) and immunostained for Foxg1 (green color) (merged and separate channels are shown in A–A′′). (B) Detail of the area squared in (A), showing coexpression of Otp and Foxg1 in many cells of the subpreoptic (SuPO) area, at the terminal prosomeric part of the TOH domain. Panels (C–C′′) show the area squared at B at higher magnification (C: merged magenta/green channels; C′,C′′: separate magenta and green channels). (E) Detail of the area squared in (D) showing a patch of Foxg1 cells (pointed with an arrow) inside the paraventricular nucleus (in the peduncular SPV core). See text for more details. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars: (A) = 320 μm (applies to A–A′′,D); (B) = 80 μm; (C) = 20 μm (applies to C–C′′).