Single and double labeling of Otp and Fogx1 in chickens. (A,B) Frontal section of the chicken embryonic forebrain (commissural and post-commissural levels), at E8, hybridized for Otp (magenta color) and immunostained for Foxg1 (green color). Panel (B′) is a detail of the cell corridor extending from BSTM to the Me, containing many double-labeled cells. (C) Detail of the area squared in (A) showing coexpression of Otp and Foxg1 in cells of the preoptic area (PO), including a subpial group that may belong to the extended amygdala (higher magnification detail of double-labeled cells pointed with an arrow in insert). (D) Detail of the area squared in (B) showing coexpression of Otp and Foxg1 in cells of BSTM (in particular, its BSTM3 subdivision; higher magnification detail of double-labeled cells pointed with an arrow in insert). (E,F) Frontal sections of the chicken embryonic forebrain (commissural and post-commissural levels), at E16, hybridized for Otp. Note the corridor of Otp cells extending from BSTM3 to the Me. See text for more details. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars: (A) = 320 μm (applies to A,B); (C) = 80 μm (applies to C,D); (C) insert = 20 μm; (E) = 400 μm (applies to E,F).