Genetic requirements of the effects of daytime temperature on nighttime growth. A and C, Hypocotyl growth rate measured in seedlings of the indicated genotypes during the night (ZT 10 h to ZT 24 h), as affected by two different daytime temperatures (10°C or 28°C). B and D, Slope of the responses to daytime temperature (linear regression analysis of the data in (A) and (C), respectively). All seedlings received shade during the day and EOD FR. Night temperature was 28°C (A and B) or 10°C (C and D). See Supplemental Figure S1 for hypocotyl growth in multiple pif mutants. Box plots show median, interquartile range 1–3 and the maximum–minimum interval of 8–12 replicate boxes with seedlings (see Supplemental File S1, E and F for detailed statistics). In (B) and (D), the asterisks indicate significant differences from Col-0 according to t tests (*P < 0.05).