Figure 7. Interhemispheric beta/theta synchrony may mediate working memory trace transfer.
(A and B) Mean phase synchrony (pairwise phase consistency [PPC]) between all pairs of LFPs in the two prefrontal hemispheres, for swap (A) and no-swap (B) trials, expressed as the change in PPC from the pre-sample fixation-period baseline. Contours indicate significant differences from baseline. Gray regions indicate time points with possible influence of test-period effects.
(C) Contrast (paired t-statistic map) between swap and no-swap conditions. Contours indicate significant between-condition difference. During the time period of putative interhemispheric memory trace transfer (–1 to –0.8 s), there was a significant increase (green) in interhemispheric synchrony in the theta (~4 to 10 Hz) and beta (~18 to 40 Hz) bands and a decrease (brown) in the alpha/low-beta band (~11 to 17 Hz).
(D and E) PPC between LFP pairs within the sender (D) and receiver (E) hemisphere on swap trials.
(F and G) PPC between LFP pairs within the contralateral (F) and ipsilateral (G) hemispheres on no-swap trials.
(H and I) t-Statistic maps for contrasts between swap and no-swap results for each hemisphere. These contrasts represent the effect of a WM trace shifting out of and into (I) a hemisphere.