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. 2022 May 24;15:1179173X221089710. doi: 10.1177/1179173X221089710

Table B2.

Multinomial logistic regression, association between conviction and smoking class (complete).

Smoking class Std. Error Exp(B) 95% Confidence Interval for Exp(B)
Lower Bound Std. Error
immature later-quitting smokers (1) Intercept .004
Convicted .002 1.795** 1.786 1.804
Marital status .001 1.049** 1.047 1.050
Children .001 .945** .944 .946
Juvenile arrest .002 1.475** 1.469 1.480
Juvenile smoking .002 4.893** 4.878 4.908
Crime victim, 2002 .004 .352** .349 .355
Crime victim, 2007 .004 1.370** 1.361 1.380
Gender .002 .685** .683 .687
Race/ethnicity .001 1.018** 1.016 1.019
Education .001 .813** .812 .815
Poverty .000 1.000** 1.000 1.000
Employed .001 1.109** 1.107 1.110
gradual decreasing smokers, eventual quitters (3) Intercept .004
Convicted .002 3.692** 3.677 3.707
Marital status .001 1.055** 1.054 1.057
Children .001 .991** .990 .992
Juvenile arrest .002 .796** .793 .799
Juvenile smoking .002 11.170** 11.133 11.208
Crime victim, 2002 .003 .975** .970 .980
Crime victim, 2007 .003 3.421** 3.404 3.438
Juvenile arrest .002 .796** .764 .769
Race/ethnicity .001 1.150** 1.148 1.151
Education .001 .597** .596 .598
Poverty .000 1.000** 1.000 1.000
Employed .001 1.105** 1.103 1.107
unsuccessfully trying to quit smokers (4) Intercept .004
Convicted .002 3.268** 3.255 3.281
Marital status .001 .951** .949 .953
Children .001 .947** .946 .948
Juvenile arrest .002 1.525** 1.520 1.530
Juvenile smoking .002 7.376** 7.353 7.400
Crime victim, 2002 .002 1.305** 1.299 1.311
Crime victim, 2007 .003 2.422** 2.409 2.436
Gender .002 .746** .744 .748
Race/ethnicity .001 .964** .963 .965
Education .001 .629** .628 .630
Poverty .000 1.000** 1.000 1.000
Employed .001 1.120** 1.119 1.122
increasing smokers (5) Intercept .004
Convicted .002 2.588** 2.576 2.600
Marital status .001 1.098** 1.096 1.100
Children .001 .967** .966 .968
Juvenile arrest .002 1.877** 1.870 1.884
Juvenile smoking .002 2.974** 2.964 2.983
Crime victim, 2002 .003 .908** .903 .914
Crime victim, 2007 .003 3.031** 3.015 3.047
Gender .002 .888** .885 .891
Race/ethnicity .001 .982** .981 .983
Education .001 .711** .709 .712
Poverty .000 1.000** 1.000 1.000
Employed .001 1.179** 1.177 1.181
chronic smokers (6) Intercept .002
Convicted .001 2.827** 2.818 2.835
Marital status .001 .950** .949 .951
Children .000 .926** .925 .927
Juvenile arrest .001 1.372** 1.368 1.375
Juvenile smoking .001 9.635** 9.617 9.652
Crime victim, 2002 .002 1.168** 1.165 1.172
Crime victim, 2007 .002 2.223** 2.215 2.231
Gender .001 .828** .826 .829
Race/ethnicity .000 1.156** 1.155 1.157
Education .001 .548** .547 .549
Poverty .000 1.000** 1.000 1.000
Employed .001 .982** .981 .983
consistent, occasional smokers (7) Intercept .003
Convicted .002 1.816** 1.807 1.824
Marital status .001 .967** .965 .968
Children .001 .929** .928 .930
Juvenile arrest .002 .758** .755 .761
Juvenile smoking .001 3.580** 3.570 3.590
Crime victim, 2002 .003 1.091** 1.085 1.096
Crime victim, 2007 .004 .853** .847 .859
Gender .001 .735** .733 .737
Race/ethnicity .001 .951** .950 .952
Education .001 .851** .849 .852
Poverty .000 .999** .999 .999
Employed .001 1.077** 1.076 1.079

**P ⩽ .001