Figure 27.
Temperature dependence
of (a) |ΔSM| and
(b) ΔCp in different
fields with H ∥ c; Field
dependence of parameters from |ΔSM(T)| with the fitted
curves: (c) , (d) δTfwhm,
and (e) RCPversusH with the fitted curves; (f) Modified Arrott plot
based on the obtained critical exponents. Scaling of the |ΔSM(T, H)| curves: (g) normalized ΔSM(T, H)
as a function of θ (inset gives Tr1 and Tr2 as a function of H); (h) – ΔSM/H(1−α)/Δversus ε/H1/Δ. All panels adapted with permission from ref (280). Copyright 1998 American
Physical Society.