Figure 36.
Calculated magnetization of the antisite defect. (a) Occupation
number versus rigid potential shifts α for
antisite defects for the bare, noninteracting potential χ0 and the interacting potential χ. From the angular coefficients
of both curves we can extract the optimum ULR for our system, ULR = – χ–1.385 (b) Variation of the local magnetization
the defect antisite versus U. At U = 0, no magnetic moments are observed as the defect shows a symmetric
configuration at the Mo–Mo bonds. At U >
eV, this symmetry is broken and the defect develops an appreciable
magnetic moment that increases with U as a result
of the increased localization of the bands. All panels are adapted
with permission under a Creative Common CC BY-NC license from ref (382). Copyright 2019 AAAS.