Figure 73.
2D magnetism controlled by twistronics and stacking order. (A) Variation of stacking order in small twist angle θ monolayer–bilayer graphene (tMBG).828 (B) Transverse resistance Ryx map measured versus total carrier density n and the magnetic field B at T = 6.4 K in a tMBG device with θ = 1.25° near ν = 3 orbital magnetic state presents a magnetization reversal driven by the change in n or B due to the non-negligible contribution from the topological edge states in large moiré unit cell area. ν = nA is the number of carriers n per moiré unit cell A.828 (C) In B-field, ν = 3 state switches between K and K′ valley polarization as doping level changes across the gap.828 (D) Nonvolatile switching between K and K′ valley-polarized magnetic states independently controlled by either n or B.828 Panels (A–D) reproduced with permission from ref (828). Copyright 2020 Springer Nature. (E) Temperature-dependent hysteresis (highlighted by colored areas) observed in magnetic field in rhombohedral graphite.832 (F) Phase diagram of the critical behavior in (E) characteristic to strongly correlated electronic systems.832 Panels (E, F) are reproduced with permission from ref (832). Copyright 2020 Springer Nature. (G) Scanning tunneling spectroscopy map of a small θ double bilayer graphene showing Bernal (black) and rhombohedral (white) stacking domains.833 Reproduced with permission under a Creatice Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license from ref (833). Copyright 2021 National Academy of Sciences. (H–J) Rhombohedral (R) and monoclinic (M) stacking configuration and magnetic domains in a small θ twisted bilayer CrI3. (H) Three types of stacking domain walls in this system. Arrows represent the stacking vectors.834 (I) Sketch of the magnon network at θ = 0.1°.834 (J) Stacking and magnetic domain patterns of the gray rectangle area in (I). Red (blue) arrows represent stacking vectors for R (M) stacking. Red (cyan) lines represent the RR (MM) stacking domain walls.834 Panels (H–J) are reproduced with permission from ref (834). Copyright 2020 American Physical Society.