Figure 5: Association of AMD risk-raising variants with retinal layer thickness across known loci from Fritsche et al. Nature Genetics 2016.
(a) Plot of 48 independent variants associated with AMD (from Fritsche et al. Nature Genetics 2016) and their respective associations with PS and RPE+BM thickness in SD. Labeled genes reflect the variants with P<1x10−4 for layer thickness. Curves and standard errors in panel (a) are from local polynomial regression fitting. (b) association of 48 individual AMD-risk-raising variants with 9 retinal layer thicknesses. ***: P≤5x10−8; **: 5x10−8<P≤1x10−4 ; *: 1x10−4<P<0.05. The black boxes reflect AMD risk variants genome-wide significantly associated with PS thinning and RPE+BM thickening. A table of all associations are all provided in Supplementary Table 9.