(A, top) DIC image of the C. elegans anterior. The pharynx is a bi-lobed structure in the head of the animal, which is surrounded by the nerve ring, an interconnected cluster of 180 neurons. Red brackets indicate region to score for foci within head neurons. (A, middle) rgefp-1::Q40::YFP fluorescence at day 2 adulthood. Note that YFP expression is largely diffuse, with the exception of an occasional aggregate (arrow). (A, bottom) rgefp-1::Q40::YFP fluorescence at day 10 adulthood. Foci/aggregates are indicated (red arrow). (B) Quantification of fluorescent foci over the first 10 days of adulthood. Foci are resistant to FRAP15,32,33, consistent with an insoluble protein aggregate. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (C) Typical frequency of body bends of wild type and rgef-1p::Q40::YFP animals maintained at 20°C feeding on empty vector RNAi (L4440) at days 2 adulthood. Increased glutamine expansion correlates with movement defects15. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Raw data for (B-C) is provided in Supplemental Table 1. The scale bar represents 20 μm in all panels.