a: Expression of unc-30 is not affected by loss of lin-14 or unc-55. A 2.4kb unc-30 promoter gfp fusion reporter is expressed in the DD MNs (green circles) in wild-type L1 animals; this expression is not affected in lin-14(−) mutant animals (scored in progeny from lin-14 null mothers carrying a lin-14 rescue array 23). An unc-30 fosmid-based reporter, kindly provided by the Transgeneome project, is expressed in the DD (green circles) and VD (blue squares) MNs (DD4 to VD10 shown) in wild-type L4 animals; this expression is not affected in unc-55(e1170) L4 animals. n>20 for each genotype.
b: Expression of a lin-14 fosmid-based reporter construct 32 is unaffected by loss of unc-30. lin-14 is expressed in the DA, DB, and DD MNs in the VNC at the L1 stage (Average number of VNC cells=15); this expression is not affected in unc-30(e191) mutant L1s (Average number of VNC cells=15);. n>20 for each genotype. Loss of unc-30 also does not affect unc-55 expression, as shown by 11.