Appendix 2—figure 2. Comparison of initially unbound passive crosslinkers binding to a filament with binding radii set to a crosslinker’s radius of gyration versus a binding radius .
(A, D) Number of singly bound crosslinkers over time as the unbound diffusion constant (A) and time step (D) vary while binding radius remains unchanged . Red lines mark the steady-state number of singly bound crosslinkers for a homogeneous reservoir calculated from equations (26)-(30). (B, E) Same as A and D but binding radius scales as the root mean square of diffused distance in a time step . (C, F) Comparison of the steady-state number of singly bound crosslinkers as a function of (C) and (F) for both definitions of . Simulation parameters: periodic box length , filament length , linear binding site density , crosslinker number , crosslinker length , association constant , unbinding rate . Unless otherwise stated unbound diffusion constant and timestep