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. 2022 May 27;71:101840. doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2022.101840
Construct Items
Virtual workout team participation Overall, I frequently seek to join virtual workout teams.
Overall, I frequently join virtual workout teams.
Overall, I frequently form virtual workout teams with others.
Virtual workout team identification I feel emotionally attached to the members of this workout team.
Members of this workout team have a great deal of personal meaning for me.
Compliance with virtual workout team norms I often change my behaviour to comply with the norms of this workout team.
I have my behaviour consistent with the norms of this workout team.
I would sacrifice some in-game benefits to comply with the norms of this workout team.
Virtual workout satisfaction The virtual workouts exceeds my expectations.
I am satisfied with the overall experience of virtual workouts.
I am pleased with the overall experience of virtual workouts.
I am content with the overall experience of virtual workouts.
I am delighted with the overall experience of virtual workouts.
Emotional solidarity
Communality Feel affection towards other virtual workout team members.
Feel close to other virtual workout team members.
Have a lot in common with other virtual workout team members.
I am proud to be welcomed as a virtual workout team member.
I understand other virtual workout team members.
I expect to make friends with other virtual workout team members.
I identify with other virtual workout team members.
I share similar views with other virtual workout team members.
I feel the virtual workout team will benefit from having us (me and other virtual workout team members).
I can trust other virtual workout team members.
Fairness I will treat other virtual workout team members fairly.
I plan to get along with other virtual workout team members.
I have respect for other virtual workout team members.
Commitment to virtual workout team I direct my efforts toward the success of this virtual workout team.
I actively contribute to this virtual workout team.
Post-COVID virtual team workout intention I would use virtual workouts with my team when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
I would recommend my team to use virtual workouts when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
I will likely use virtual workouts with my team when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Post-COVID traditional team workout intention I would use traditional workouts with my team when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
I would recommend my team to use traditional workouts when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
I will likely use traditional workouts with my team when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.