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. 2022 May 19;8(5):e09465. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09465

Table 2.

Knowledge and perception about menarche & menstruation (n = 101).

Frequency (%)
Age of Menarche 9-11 years 51 (50.49)
12-14 years 42 (41.58)
≥15 years 8 (7.92)
Mean (±SD) years 12 ± 1.56
Reaction on Menarche Scared 55 (54.45)
Depressed 28 (27.72)
Irritated 12 (11.88)
Accepted as natural process 6 (5.94)
Knowledge regarding menstruation before menarche Yes 48 (47.52)
No 53 (52.48)
Perception about Menstruation Physiological 67 (66.8)
Pathological 9 (8.9)
Curse 21 (20.79)
Don't know 4 (3.6)
Feeling of embarrassment during menstruation Yes 58 (57.4)
No 21 (20.8)
Sometimes 22 (21.8)
Menstrual blood is releasing from which organ Urinary bladder 9 (8.91)
Ovary 15 (14.85)
Uterus 21 (20.79)
Stomach 13 (12.87)
Don't know 43 (42.57)
Duration of menstrual cycle 26-30 days 59 (58.41)
30-35 days 25 (24.75)
Others 10 (9.90)
Don't know 7 (6.94)
Normal Flow 3-5 days 32 (31.68)
5-7 days 49 (48.51)
Others 20 (19.80)
Knowledge about menstrual hygienic practices before menarche Yes 29 (28.71)
No 71 (70.29)
Knows that Poor MHM can cause infection Yes 33 (32.67)
No 67 (66.37)
Can girls go out/school during menstruation? Yes 29 (28.71)
No 72 (71.28)
Can girls cook food during menstruation? Yes 12 (11.88)
No 89 (88.11)
Source of knowledge Mother 41 (40.59)
Sister 24 (23.76)
Other Female Relatives 17 (16.83)
Entertainment/Newsmedia 6 (5.95)
School 13 (12.87)